The Eurasian Spoonbill International Expert Group (ESIEG) is one of the first research network created on a waterbird species. It was formed in 1991 and then linked to Eurosite until 2013 when the group became an AEWA International Species Expert Groups (
From 14 to 18 November 2018, the IXth workshop of the group will take place in Djerba, Tunisia. It will be organised by the ESIEG in collaboration with l’ Association “Les Amis des Oiseaux” (BirdLife Tunisia).
The interest of the workshop is to strengthen the network with North African, Eastern Mediterranean and Asian countries. We expect the same success as the previous workshop when 35 researchers and managers from 17 countries attended the workshop at Tour du Valat, Southern France in 2015. Conclusions of the VIIIthworkshop are available here.
Oral presentations and posters will be organized into 4 sessions:
Session 1: Migratory connectivity
Eurasian spoonbills in Africa, Asia and Europe, networking and state of art of populations throughout the species’ distribution range at the migratory global level. A focus on how to obtain more knowledge about the status of the African subspecies archeri resident to Red sea and balsaci resident to Mauritania. An evaluation of flyways delineations in East Europe and Asia.
Session 2: Tracking spoonbills
Recent technological advances and colour marking studies are increasingly used allowing exploration of the drivers of variation in individual movement, migration and settlement decisions and their consequences at population level. In particular, this session will focus on sharing knowledge acquired from new GPS loggers deployed on spoonbills
Session 3: Ecology and behaviour of spoonbills
What we know about ecological and evolutionary processes.
Session 4: Conserving wetlands and spoonbills, AEWA International Action Plan
Renewal or extension of the 2008 international action plan ? Wetland management and restoration, communication, awareness raising and public support.
The official language of the IX International Spoonbill Workshop is English.
Register here:
And follow updates about the group and the workshop here:
Featured image: Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia, Spain. © Juan Pablo Resino.