
The Specialist Group has two global Co-chairs, and members.

Several members form the Editorial Board of the Stork, Ibis and Spoonbill Conservation, the publication of the Specialist Group.

The Specialist Group has a long and illustrious history. The Chairs and Co-chairs who have steered the Group since its formation in 1981 are listed below.

2015-current: Dr. K.S. Gopi Sundar, Co-chair.

2014-current: Dr. Luis Santiago Cano, Co-chair.

1995-2015: Dr. Wim van den Bossche, Co-chair.

1989-1995: Dr. Malcolm Coulter, Co-chair.

1989-1995: Dr. Koen Brouwer, Co-chair.

1982-1989: Dr. Charles Luthin, Chair.

1981-1982: Dr. Günter Wennich, Founder and Chair.

Juvenile Black-necked Storks. (Julia Whatley, 2016)
Juvenile Black-necked Storks. (Julia Whatley, 2016)