SIS Conservation

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Proposals for guest-editors



Stork Ibis and Spoonbill Specialist Group





SIS Conservation


Stork, Ibis and Spoonbill Conservation (SISC) is a peer-reviewed publication of the IUCN Species Survival Commission Stork, Ibis and Spoonbill Specialist Group. SISC publishes original content on the ecology and conservation of both wild and captive populations of SIS species worldwide, with the aim of disseminating information to assist in the management and conservation of SIS (including Shoebill) populations and their habitats worldwide.

SISC is an Open Access publication, therefore does not charge authors, readers or their institutions for access to its contents. Articles accepted in SISC will be published online shortly after acceptance and the article proof will be mailed to the authors.


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ISSN 2710-1142 (online)



K. S. Gopi Sundar, India

Luis Santiago Cano, Ethiopia​​

Design and Layout

Alejandro Torés, Spain


Alejandro Torés, Spain

Editorial board (2017-2020)

Editorial board

Vladimir Andronov, Russian Federation

Kate Brandis, Australia

Thilina Nethmin de Silva, Sri Lanka

Harrison Edell, United States of America

Frédéric Goes, France

Ricardo Lima, Portugal

Lubomir Peske, Czech Republic

André Stadler, Austria

Iain Taylor, Australia

Piotr Tryjanowski, Poland

Abdul J. Urfi, India

Amanda Webber, United Kingdom



SIS Conservation Issue 4. 2022

Click the cover



SIS Conservation Issue 3. 2021

Click the cover

SIS Conservation Issue 2. 2020

Click the cover

SIS Conservation Issue 1. 2019

SIS Conservation Issue 1

Click the cover


The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of IUCN, nor the IUCN SSC Stork, Ibis and Spoonbill Specialist Group.

Prospective authors (who need not be members of the specialist group) should submit a manuscript to the Editors-in-chief at

All enquiries regarding SISC, including but not limited to, ideas for special issues, participation as an Editor, submission of original paper, short notes, essays or letters, should be emailed to

We welcome sponsorship of individual issues of SIS Conservation. Please direct queries regarding sponsorship to