Prof. Prasanta Kumar Saikia, PhD, Commonwealth Fellow, Member, SIS SG has obtained Master degree in Zoology from Gauhati University, Assam with Specialization of Animal Ecology & Wildlife Biology during 1986. He is an Ornithologist and wildlife Biologist and obtained Ph.D. on Ecology & Biology of Adjutant Storks: Leptoptilos dubius & Leptoptilos javanicus in Brahmaputra valley, Assam during 1996 from Gauhati University. During 1989, Prof. Saikia has discovered 11 nesting colonies with 120 live nests of Greater adjutant Storks at outside the protected areas of Assam and published articles in National and International Journals and newsletters. Since 1990, he collaboratively worked on conservation of GAS and LAS with IUCN SIS Co-chairs Dr. C. S. Luthin and Dr. Malcolm C. Coulter and stopped the nestling/nesting pairs depredation of GAS by a group of Santhal people in Assam with participation of local community and Assam Forest Departments. During 1993, he planted above 3000 GAS/LAS nest-trees in Nalbari, Barpeta and Kamrup nesting colonies areas of Assam sponsored by WCS. Prof. Saikia has obtained International Training on Wildlife Conservation & Management in 1994 at WII. From April-August, 1997, he voluntarily worked as a Marine Biologist in Farallone Island Wildlife Refuge at USA and extensively studied on biology of marine birds, Training on mist netting, hand capturing of marine birds for food sample collection and trapping and ringing activities of birds, census of marine birds, mammals and data collection of marine environment. He also worked together with Late Dr. Malcolm C. Coulter at Great Gull Island, Atlantic Ocean and studied Rosy Tern and trained on Radio-tracking and telemetry at ICF, USA. During 2002 he awarded Prestigious Commonwealth Fellowship by British Council and did his Post-doctoral research on Biodiversity Conservation at University of Leeds, UK with Prof. Keith Hammer. He worked together with Dr. Catherine Walton, University of Manchester, UK on Climate change and biodiversity and published papers in high impacted International Journals. Prof. P. K. Saikia has published above 142 Research Articles in International and National Journals and published five Books on Biodiversity. He supervised above 25 PhD Scholars and till date awarded 20 PhD Degree in diverse field of Ecology and Wildlife Biology and Biodiversity Conservation that includes SIS Species in Assam. He teaches PG students of Ecology & Wildlife Biology since 1992. In the field of biodiversity conservation, he newly described two spider species viz., Wadicosa prasanti sp. Nov. and Chrysilla assamensis sp.nov. and nearly 20 newly reported species from NE India.