Since 2015, I am a researcher at Tour du Valat, a research institute for the conservation of Mediterranean wetlands. Tour du Valat is based in Camargue, in south of France.
I am part of the Conservation of Species department at Tour du Valat. The objective is to find solutions to conservation problems affecting Mediterranean wetland species, both those that are under threat and those that are the sources of economic or health problems. We have programs (in particular ringing programs) on Eurasian spoonbill, Glossy ibis, but also Greater flamingo, Slender billed gulls, Dalmatian and White pelicans, herons and ducks. I am coordinator of AEWA-Eurasian spoonbill international expert group. My research focus mainly on population dynamics, conservation biology, and more generally on ecology studies.
I obtained my PhD in 2011 on the effect of massive releases of captive-reared Mallards for hunting. I was supervised by Matthieu Guillemain (ONCF – French wildlife and hunting agency), Michel Gauthier-Clerc (Tour du Valat) and Jean-Dominique Lebreton (CNRS, National research institute). I had then a 2-year postdoctoral position on the population dynamics of tropical seabirds with Hugh Drummond lab. at UNAM (Mexico) until 2014.
You can read more of my work in my complete curriculum vitae.