Francisco Hortas is a biologist and Ph.D. in Marine Sciences. Currently, he works as professor in the Biology Department of the Faculty of Marine and Environmental Sciences of the University of Cádiz. He knows very well the province of Cadiz (Spain) and more specifically its coast and the Bay of Cadiz from about 35 years where he did his doctoral thesis. He has participated in national and international projects whose main theme was the conservation of shorebirds. He has also participated and presented many communications in national and international conferences and published papers in journals and books on different aspects of the biology of these birds. In 2011 he began designing the monitoring project of the spoonbill on the coast of Cadiz (southwestern Spain) with Javier Ruiz. Since 2012 both coordinate the Limes Platalea project of Cádiz Natural History Society monitoring this species by the new migration corridor called “Playa de la Barrosa-Cabo Roche” recently discovered with this project. In addition to monitoring they are marking birds and putting GPS-GSM loggers to study this new discovery. He is coordinator and author of the book “The intercontinental spoonbill migration”.
Blog about Limes Platalea Project: