SIS Conservation, Issue 2, 2020


Stork Ibis and Spoonbill Specialist Group






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Page:1-2 [PDF]

Letters to SISC

Page:3-6 [PDF]


It’s time for the Saddle-billed Stork to be on our radar

Page:7-9 [PDF]

Jonah GULA


Effects of seasonal hydrological connectivity on Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia foraging ecology

Page:10-18 [PDF]



Colonial waterbird breeding in the Gayini-Nimmie-Caira wetlands, Australia, 2010-2011

Page:19-28 [PDF]

Kate J. BRANDIS, Sharon RYALL, Richard T. KINGSFORD, Daniel RAMP


Observation of Milky Stork Mycteria cinerea breeding on Pulau Dua, Banten, Indonesia, after 45 years

Page:29-32 [PDF]

Yus Rusila NOOS, UMAR, Ani MARDIASTUTI, Ragil Satriyo GUMILANG, Muhammad IQBAL



SPECIAL SECTION: Woolly-necked Stork Ecology and Conservation

(Editor: K.S. Gopi Sundar)

Editorial: Woolly-necked Stork – a species ignored

Page:33-41 [PDF]

K. S. Gopi Sundar


Observations on distribution and feeding behaviour of Woolly-necked Stork Ciconia episcopus during 2012-20 from north India

Page:42-46 [PDF]

Nawin Kumar TIWARY


Confirmed breeding records of Asian Woollyneck Ciconia episcopus from Bangladesh

Page:47-49 [PDF]

Mohammad Tarik HASAN, Prashant GHIMIRE


Asian Woollynecks are uncommon on the farmlands of lowland Nepal

Page:50-54 [PDF]

Hem Bahadur KATUWAL, Hem Sagar BARAL, Hari Prasad SHARMA, Rui‐Chang QUAN


Status of Woolly-necked Storks in Kerala, south-western India

Page:55-61 [PDF]



A note on the temporal and spatial distribution of Asian Woollyneck in Assam, India

Page:62-67 [PDF]

Jaydev MANDAL, Leons Mathew ABRAHAM, Rupam BHADURI


Observations of Woolly-necked Stork nesting attempts in Udaipur city, Rajasthan, India

Page:68-70 [PDF]

Kanishka MEHTA


Density, flock size and habitat preference of Woolly-necked Storks Ciconia episcopus in agricultural landscapes of south Asia

Page:71-79 [PDF]

Swati KITTUR, K. S. Gopi Sundar


Known and potential distributions of the African Ciconia miscroscelis and Asian C. episcopus Woollyneck Storks

Page:80-95 [PDF]

Jonah GULA, K. S. Gopi Sundar, W. Richard J. DEAN


Comparing abundance and habitat use of Woolly-necked Storks Ciconia episcopus inside and outside protected areas in Myanmar

Page:96-103 [PDF]

Myo Sandar WIN, Ah Mar YI, Theingi Soe MYINT, Kaythy KHINE, Hele Swe PO, Kyaik Swe NON, K. S. Gopi Sundar


SISC Reviewers, Issues 1 and 2

Page:104 [PDF]


Example of recommended citation of an article:

Rodríguez, J.P. 2019. Welcome to Stork, Ibis and Spoonbill Conservation. SIS Conservation 1: 5.